

连接科罗拉多 logo image连接科罗拉多 is our state's database 为 job seekers and clients of American Job Center programs. Registering allows 你 to search 为 jobs, upload a resume, participate in programs like the Governor's Summer Job Hunt, and help us keep track of the services we provide 你. Please take a moment to 注册 now. This page includes instructions 为 注册ing as well as using the website to search 为 jobs.


To 注册 on 连接科罗拉多, 你 will need the following:

  1. Your social security number
  2. Your contact 信息 including an email address. Please do not use a Yahoo address because Yahoo blocks our messages to 你 about job openings. 如果你没有 email address, please set one up on one of the free sites: Outlook.com、Gmail等.
  3. 你的工作经历

Creating a New 连接科罗拉多 Profile

  1. Open the internet and go to www.connectingcolorado.com.
  2. 转至求职网页.
  3. If 你 are not 注册ed, click Create a New Account.
  4. Be sure to write down the password 你 entered, 你 will need this to return to the website in the future to search 为 jobs or to update 你r account.
  5. Fill out each page completely according to all instructions provided.
  6. When 你 complete each page, click Go at the bottom of the page.
  7. 上传简历. 单击Browse. Locate 你r resume and double click. 上传你的 resume makes 你 searchable to employers.
  8. If 你 upload a resume at this stage, the next section will autofill and 你 will only need to verify the 信息.
  9. Be sure to enter as much 信息 as possible. However, the red * are mandatory 字段. In order to get emails on events 你 must select a Work为ce Notification 方法.
  10. To increase 你r number of job matches, select up to 4 job titles.
  11. To add a job title, click the link on the top left. Select a new title from the list, enter years and months of experience, and mark relevant skills. (如果你没有 experience in one of the 字段 你 are seeking, 0 is acceptable.)
  12. After 你 complete the last page and read the Equal Opportunity statement, go to the bottom of the page and click I Understand to complete 你r registration.


  1. Open the internet and go to www.connectingcolorado.com.
  2. 转至求职网页; then click Returning Job Seeker.
  3. Enter 你r Social Security Number and the Password 你 created during registration 点击“登录”.
  4. If 你 cannot remember 你r password, a Work为ce Center Staff can reset it 为 你 in the Resource Room or over the phone, 720-523-6900.
  5. Thoroughly read each section of 你r profile, make corrections and add missing/additional 信息.

Uploading a Resume or Documents

  1. 单击简历选项卡.
  2. 单击Browse. (It will take 你 to the storage on the computer or 你 can access 你r 闪存驱动器.)
  3. Select the location of the document.
  4. Then select the document. You will then see the document in the gray section.
  5. 命名文档. Your resume must be given a title. It is recommended that the resume be titled based on the industry (sales) or job title (Registered Nurse) 你 are applying 为.
  6. 点击连接. The document will appear at the top. Make sure it is checked viewable.
  7. 现在点击附加.
  8. Repeat steps 1-6 to add additional documents.
  9. Then click Account In为mation Page to search 为 jobs or update 你r account.
  10. To complete 你r profile, check that each section is fully filled out. 接收 emails of related jobs, make sure the Notifications are enabled.


  1. From the home page there is a Job Match completed 为 你 that matches 你r registration 信息 and skills with the jobs posted on the website. 这些都是发布的工作 in the areas 你 identified previously.
  2. You can also click on Job 搜索 and then select the type of search 你 want to do.
  • Customized 搜索 – allows 你 to search by 你r own criteria, such as what type of job, where the job is located, full time/part time, minimum salary, etc. 当使用 this method, search only by 你r top 2 or 3 most important job criteria, leaving the rest of the choices blank. Completing too much of this screen can narrow down the list of jobs matching all of the specifications so much that little or no jobs appear 搜索结束后.
  • If this is criteria 你 will be using often select Save search 为 future use.
  • Job Number 搜索 – allows 你 to search by the job order number. 使用这个的时候 method, do not type CO be为e the job number.
Viewing Employer In为mation
  1. To view contact 信息 为 any job or to apply, select How to 应用 from the 蓝色酒吧.
  2. Any required skills 为 the job that 你 do not have listed in 你r registration will 以红色文字显示.
  3. Click Next or Back to List to continue 你r search.
Finding Job Numbers from Calls/Emails
  1. From the top of 你r home page, select calls/emails.
  2. The job number (or numbers) will appear with the date of the phone call or email.
  3. Select the job number 你 would like to view. The job number will automatically appear in the job number search field after it is clicked.
  4. 单击Go. The job 信息 will appear on the next screen.